Do you need parts for your classic 1928-1956 Packard? Is your restoration in trouble because you can't find the right Packard parts? Max Merritt Auto can help. Max Merritt has been a trusted name in quality Packard parts for over 40 years. Everything you need for your classic Packard project is online now. Place your order on our secure server.
Where to....'Ask the Man Who Owns One' This website is a free public information storehouse about the fine vehicles manufactured by the Packard Motor Car Company . The content on the website is driven by, and donated by its Packard loving users. If you find the information on this website valuable, and you have some Packard related information that is not currently available here, please consider donating a scanned copy. Your donation of material may help that Packard owner out there in need, or the future one to come...
Introducing Packard® Motor Car Company. An investment opportunity.The Packard name is still widely known and respected around the world.
PACKARD MOTOR CAR COMPANY is a registered Arizona Corporation and is the registered owner of the Packard Name Trademark for automobiles and parts. The Company licenses various companies to use the Packard name, and the Company also manufactures and markets Packard branded automobile parts.
Hello and welcome to my Heinmuller Packard Parts website. My intention is to offer a wide variety of automotive products to the Packard owner and hobbyist in particular, while many of the products I offer will appeal to the antique automobile hobbyist in general. The products offered will increase in the future as I am able to research new parts for Packard applications and find other products that I think will appeal to the Packard owner and enthusiast.
Tucson Packard has a huge inventory of parts for most models of Packards. Clippers, Panamas, Caribbeans, Patricians, 400 Sedans, 300 Sedans.
The Packard © Club is dedicated to preserving originality in the products and history of The Packard © Motor Car Company of Detroit, Michigan, a manufacturer of one of the greatest marques in world history; on land, in the air, or on the sea:
Automotive, Truck, Commercial, Aeronautical, & Nautical.

Dear Packard Collector,
2015 begins our 55th year of selling Packard parts for
all of your restoration needs. In 1960, we bought our first Packard, a 1937 120 Sedan. Ever since we have been collecting Packards as well as many other makes of cars.
As our collection of cars grew so did our need for parts.
We began to purchase the stock of former Packard dealers and of companies that manufactured original equipment or replacement parts for Packards. We now have the largest and most extensive stock of BRAND NEW PACKARD PARTS in the world. Our warehouse, located at 76 Monroe Street in Boonton, NJ, currently holds over 1,350,000 NEW, USED, and reproduction parts for 1922 to 1956 Packards. More parts come
in every week.