is a complete resource for auto parts. Our database contains millions of parts, all ready to ship same day or next business day. Because we ship out of 28 different locations nationwide, chances are, even ground shipping is only a couple of days. We designed to make your part shopping quick and affordable. Just enter your vehicle's year, make and model and find your part. Every part we sell is original equipment for your vehicle or one of the top quality brand names we carry. Just add it o your shopping cart, checkout and you're done! The part will arrive quickly.
Your Source for Original and Replacement Classic Car Parts
Manufacturer and Supplier of Classic and Antique Oldsmobile Parts for 1935 through 1977 88-98-Toronado, Cutlass-442 and Hurst/Olds parts.
Joe Mondello began doing research & development work for Oldsmobile in 1968 and his ongoing commitment and dedication has merited him the name of "Dr. Oldsmobile". Joe is celebrating over 38 years in the high performance manufacturing industry. He has given 44 years of technology & "hands on" experience to the sport of drag racing. Joe Mondello will be around for many more years, designing, building and providing you all of the best high performance products money can buy.
At Supercars Unlimited, Cutlass and 4-4-2 is ALL we do! It's our only business. Not a sideline. We are dedicated 100% to Rocket Power! We own, drive, restore, show and race Cutlass and 4-4-2's. And have for over 30 years. Serving you from the same location since 1987. In June of 2006, our growth required a move to a MUCH larger building. This expansion allows us to maintain the same level of high quality service we are known for. As dedicated Olds enthusiasts, we know which parts are right for your car. Through experience and research, you are always assured of receiving authentic and accurate parts when you order from us. For the very best in Cutlass/4-4-2 parts, you can always count on Supercars Unlimited! But don't just take our word for it, ask around!
The Paddock offers an extensive line of muscle car parts and accessories. Whether you are looking for factory original, or quality aftermarket and reproduction parts, we have a vast array of products to assist you with all of your restoration projects.
Outright Oldsmobile is your place to discover everything Oldsmobile! Since 2004, Outright Oldsmobile has been known to be one of the best places to find quality Oldsmobile information, photos, and history. It has been further enhanced by Oldsmobile enthusiasts from around the world.
This website has always been and always will be dedicated to my grandmother, who introduced me to Oldsmobile's ~ when she gave me my first car, her 1987 Cutlass Supreme Coupe.

No other domestic automobile builder can duplicate the long and glorious trail blazed by Oldsmobile. It spans the curious hand-built wooden carriage which chugged to life in 1897 to the last 2004 Alero that left the Lansing, Michigan plant on April 29, 2004. In keeping with this long heritage no other club can offer the broad coverage of the Oldsmobile Club of America, Inc. We cover each of the Olds models built and anyone interested in this fine automotive nameplate can join. You don't even have to own an Oldsmobile!
In this Oldsmobile reference guide, John Gunnell takes you through 100 years of Oldsmobile from 1897 - 1997, with an exclusive addition with updated pricing through 2004.
•Pricing and techincial information from the factory floor to the boardroom
•1 through 6 condition grading system for every Oldsmobile model produced
•In depth look at facory pricing, serial and production numbers, and more
Discover hundreds of Oldsmobile photos, with many that have never been seen before.