Kaiser Bill's "K-F-D Support Center" is designed to provide information and assistance to anyone interested in old cars, especially those unique automobiles built by Kaiser-Frazer and Kaiser-Willys Corporation during the years of 1946 through 1955.
On March 8, 1869, the first Union Pacific engine steamed into the city on the heels of tracklayers on their way to Promontory and eventual joining with the Central Pacific. Ogden’s romance with the railroading began. Four cities, Corinne, Promontory, Uintah, and Ogden, competed with each other for the right be the junction for railroad travel in the Intermountain West. After quickly disqualifying the others, Corinne and Ogden continued the competition for the “Junction City” title until Brigham Young donated several hundred acres of land to the two railroads demanding that they build the yards and station in Ogden. Ogden’s Union Station is home to the Utah State Railroad Museum, John M. Browning Firearms Museum and Browning-Kimball Classic Car Museum.

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